Sequencing Of PCR Product

Our Sanger sequencing service for sequencing PCR product has been optimised to generate good quality data if supplied at 10 ng/Ī¼l.

The Sequencing data is collected and delivered within 12 hours of sample receipt via our speedREAD service.

A free consultation is available to discover more about the Sequencing services we can offer you.

Your Global Rapid Sequencing Partner

Quality Service. Quality Data. Quality People.

Sequencing Portal Video Guides

For a list of user guide videos that walks you through how to place orders on the sequencing portal click here.

How To Order

Place Order


Register for an online accountĀ here.

Creating a Sanger Sequencing Order

Begin placing your sequencing orderĀ here.

Template Type

Select the appropriate ā€˜Template Typeā€™. The screen will adjust so you can provide details of the template and confirm that you have read and understood theĀ sample requirements.

Prepare Samples

Prepare Your Samples

Enter details of the sample submission format including tubes, plates and orientation of the plate.

Primer Synthesis (optional add-on)

Source BioScience stocks a collection ofĀ 40 common primersĀ from which you can choose (free of charge) for your Sanger Sequencing. If, however, you require a primer/s that we do not stock, you might like to make use of our Primer Synthesis option.

Secondary Structure Resolution (optional add-on)

When sequencing templates which are G-C-rich, contain hairpin structures, repetitive regions or troublesome sequences, we recommend including our Secondary Structure Treatment Solution (dGTP chemistry) with your order.

This optional add-on aids the sequencing process by disrupting the production of secondary structures, as well as aiding the initiation of the sequencing process, to yield higher quality reads.

Template Requirements

PCR products to be supplied at a concentration of 10 ng/Ī¼l in a volume of 5 Ī¼l per reaction.

Sequencing primers to be sent at a concentration of 3.2 pmol/Ī¼l in a volume of 5 Ī¼l per reaction.

Ship & Submit Samples

Analysis Settings

Complete the Analysis settings required for this order. Each question mark will open new page with a detailed explanation of the particular option. You can also add additional recipients for the data.

Reaction Details

This information can be added individually or added as an Excel template. If adding the sample and primer details manually, the list ofĀ free stock primersĀ will be available from our drop down list. Samples which have been correctly recorded will appear in the Job Summary. Once the details are recorded, click ā€˜Submit Applicationā€™.

Sending Your Samples

Place your samples in a secure package marked with the order number, and either deposit them in your SourceĀ GenomicsĀ drop box for collection, or use ourĀ FREEPOST labelsĀ to send your samples to us by post.Ā Samples will be processed as soon as they arrive atĀ aĀ SourceĀ Genomics lab, and your data will be with you within 12 hours of sample receipt.

Receive Data

Your samples will be processed as soon as they arrive at Source Genomics, and your data will be emailed within 24 hours of sample receipt.

Note: You are now able to purchase eVouchers to cover all types of pre-treatment and Sequencing reactions enabling you to place your orders more simply.


  • Fast turnaround time
  • Direct contact with the Laboratory
  • High quality
  • Consistently high customer satisfaction
  • Your Local UK provider - the greener option compared to other providers

Contact us today and one of our skilled account managers will be in touch with a free consultation including further information and pricing details.

Rapid Sequencing

Delivering unrivalled turnaround times for sequencing using our streamlined SpeedREADā„¢ data delivery system. Providing high-quality data retrieval within 12 hours from sample receipt.