Source Genomics introduces Oxford Nanopore Whole Plasmid Sequencing Service

Source Genomics is now a UK-based service provider of Oxford Nanopore Whole Plasmid Sequencing and Analysis for an end-to-end sequence assembly of your plasmid constructs, from plasmid compatibility verification to data reporting, with unmatched turnaround times. 

Plasmid constructs serve as fundamental tools in molecular biology, from the synthesis of novel proteins through to gene therapeutics. Using Whole Plasmid Sequencing, genomic researchers are now able to access highly accurate sequencing information that will capture the entire synthetic construct, rapidly.

Plasmid analysis with Oxford Nanopore Sequencing Technology ensures:

  • Easy insert identification
  • Thorough plasmid verification
  • Seamless primer annealing to plasmid construct

The generation of native short or long-read sequencing data is able to support all avenues of genomic research, from single-tests to ultra-high throughput projects.

Contact the Source Genomics team today for more information on how we can be your trusted partner in your Plasmid Sequencing project.

Contact us today and one of our skilled account managers will be in touch with a free consultation including further information and pricing details.

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